Posts Tagged Photography

June 16th General Meeting: Self Publishing your Photos

  • el
  • pt
  • “Do people still scan photos anymore, I thought we were in the digital age?”. Scanning your old photos is as easy as 1-2-3!

    Got digital photos on your iPad, iPhone or camera and want to do use them creatively? Speakers for June 16th will be Lorel Kapke describing self-publishing of family photos, cards and books and Francesca, a Walgreen representative, demonstrating store services available for making customized projects.

    Lorel’s presentation will focus on the importance of scanning and saving our pre-digital “old photographs” between the years 1900s — 1980s.

    She bring photo books, photo cards, self-publishing books from Apple, Blurb, and CreateSpace.

    Please bring in your own examples to share with folks!

    Rohnert Park Senior Center
    6800 Hunter Drive
    Rohnert Park, CA 94928
    7:00- 9:00 p.m.

    (as always please bring your empty ink containers for NCMUG to donate to Operation GOALS)

    Posted in: Announcements, General Meetings, HomePost

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