Posts Tagged Dan Frakes

August 20th: Dan Frakes speaks about the upcoming Mavericks and iOS 7

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  • August 20th , Dan Frakes is a senior editor at Macworld Magazine, will give an overview of OS 10.9 Mavericks and  new iOS  7. And if given permission he will give demos of these new exciting products.

    Dan Frakes is a senior editor at Macworld, where he covers and writes about…well, pretty much everything. He’s also, as his Twitter bio says, a tech writer, AV geek, sports fan, and dad.

    Over the past 18 years, he’s written and edited books, published software, worked in IT, been a consultant, and had a fancy office as a public-policy analyst—not in that order, or in any other order that might make sense. His first tech claim to fame was publishing an ebook so long ago that they didn’t yet call them ebooks, and he’s also published two popular bits of Mac software, ChangeShortName and InformINIT.

    Posted in: Announcements, General Meetings

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