October 15th: How not to lose your data by Ted Landau
Guest speaker: Ted Landau
How not to lose your data
From minor glitch to major disaster, you’ll be just fine — if your data are safely backed up. Every computer user knows this, even if they too often ignore the advice. But what does it really mean to “back up your data”? It turns out there many different ways to back up. From partial back ups to clones. From versioning to archiving. From external drives to cloud storage. Each one has its pros and cons. Ideally, you should be using more than one of these methods. Ted will take you on a tour of these back up alternatives. The talk concludes with a step-by-step look at how to prepare for a worst-case scenario (your startup drive no longer boots) and what to do if and when this disaster strikes.
TED LANDAU has been writing about the Apple universe since the 1980’s. He is currently a Senior Contributor for Macworld, where he does the Bugs & Fixes column as well as occasional other articles. He also maintains a personal blog called Slanted Viewpoint. He is a regular guest on the MacNotables podcast.
In 1996, Ted founded the MacFixIt website, where he remained as editor for the next six years. Ted has also written several books about using Macs and iOS devices — from the #1 bestselling Sad Macs, Bombs and Other Disasters to Take Control of iPhone iOS. From 2025-2012, Ted wrote the User Friendly View column for The Mac Observer.
Rohnert Park Senior Center
600 Hunter Drive
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Posted in: Announcements, General Meetings
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