by Leigh Cockrell
Photographers, graphic designers and printing professionals who work
with digital images on a daily basis know that to insure maximum quality
out-put of their digital images it’s crucial that each image have
a high enough resolution (file size) for the print quality and size of
the final output. All too often though, images need to be drastically
scaled-up or resampled in order to print or display correctly. Doing
so effectively, until now, required that you be a well-seasoned Photoshop
user with a keen eye or use a professional service provider or printer—a
pricey and time consuming option.
But now, a new age in image-scaling
has arrived with “pxl SmartScale” -
the great new Photoshop plug-in from Extensis (for Mac/Win $199.95).
This powerful plug-in lets you resize digital im-ages up to 1600% of
the original size with no discernable loss in print quality. Its intuitive
in-terface seamlessly integrates into Photoshop with familiar crop, magnification
and navigation tools, floating/docking palettes and a full screen preview
which lets you view options in real time. A detailed scaling tool gives
you the choice of refining your scaled image even more by controlling
the overall sharpness, edge contrast and edge detail. These adjustments
are unfortunately preset with limited levels and would be more practical
if they were slider bar controls with wider ranges.
In addition to its amazing scaling capabilities, SmartScale has a powerful
built-in compression file format that provides six levels of visually
loss-less compression. The PixelLive (VFZ) file format, at the highest
level, reduces files to about 60% of comparable TIFF file sizes and produces
proof quality images that are easily emailed.
When saving a file in the
PixelLive (PFZ) file format you also have the option of embedding password
protection that restricts viewing and modification
rights of that file. These files can be shared and viewed from within Photoshop
with a free plug-in from Extensis and outside of Pho-toshop with a stand-alone
PixelLive application from Celartem. Both are free downloads from their
respective web sites.
All things considered this is a wonderful tool for
scaling images and the results are amazing. But be forewarned: SmartScale
can’t take
a postage size image off the web and turn it into a print quality poster.
But a clear image at say 700KB can be en-larged to a 175MB file with wonderful
results. It really depends on the quality of the original, and ultimately
the quality needed in the final output. I’d suggest printing a few
samples of your scaling efforts on a high quality output device to evaluate
your actual results before you start scaling images that will be used
in an expensive high-end print job. Better safe than sorry!
A final note,
if you are considering SmartScale be sure your system can support it
before you make the investment. The operating system requirements
are considerable:
- Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1 or higher, Photoshop Elements
2.0 or higher
- Mac OS 9.2.2 or Mac OS X 10.2.5 and higher
- PowerPC G3, G4, or G4 dual
or equivalent
- 128MB RAM minimum, 256+MB recom-mended
- Quicktime 5.0.2 or higher (if
running Mac OS 9)