
MCE 2025 Raffle

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  • Dozens of raffle prized graciously donated by our vendors including the grand prize: an Apple iPad. Make sure to thank them. Especially, if you win!

     Apple iPad
    Tickets $5 each
    $20 for book of five.
    Grand Prize: Apple iPad
    Donated by: Mac Video Training, iPad case donated by Waterfield Design and “iPad Missing Manual” book donated by O’Reilly Media.
    Many more prizes donated by our vendors.
    Do not need to be present to win.
    Apple User Groups http://www.apple.com/usergroups/
    Apress Books http://apress.com/
    Circus Ponies NoteBook http://www.circusponies.com
    Elgato http://www.elgato.com/
    Evernote http://www.evernote.com/
    Fujitsu http://is.gd/faYkA
    GoGo Stands http://www.gogostand.com/
    Graphic Authority http://www.graphicauthority.com
    Griffin Technology http://www.griffintechnology.com/
    iPhone Life http://www.iphonelife.com/
    iStockPhoto http://www.istockphoto.com/
    Mac Video Training http://www.macvideotraining.com/
    Mariner Software http://www.marinersoftware.com
    Marware http://www.marware.com/
    MediaWorks http://www.mediaworkssoftware.com/
    Meridrew http://www.klearscreen.com/
    MicroMat http://www.micromat.com/
    Microsoft Mac BU http://www.microsoft.com/mac
    Nuance Communications http://www.nuance.com/dragon/mac
    O’Reilly Media http://oreilly.com/
    Okini Design http://www.okinidesign.com/
    Omni Focus http://www.omnigroup.com/
    PeachPit Press http://www.peachpit.com
    Prosoft Engineering, Inc. http://www.prosofteng.com/
    Smile http://smilesoftware.com/
    Strider Software http://www.typestyler.com/
    TuneUp Media http://www.tuneupmedia.com
    Wacom http://www.wacom.com/productinfo/
    WaterField Designs http://www.sfbags.com