Posts Tagged Macs

September 17th: Unveiling The Mysteries of Dropbox with David Van Nuys

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  • Unveiling The Mysteries of Dropbox with David Van Nuys

    Dropbox is an incredible free app that should be on all your computing devices (i.e. all your Macs, iPads, iPhones, etc., as well as any Windows or Android devices you may have). It’s both the fact that you get free storage space in “the cloud,” as well as the fact that it is OS-agnositic that makes it such a necessary and compelling tool. Need a place to store your docs? Need a free way to send someone a document that’s too large for email? Have documents that you need to make certain you can access from any computing device anytime, anywhere? These are some of the reasons Dropbox is such an indispensable, must-have app! In this presentation, David Van Nuys will give you all the info you need to get started.

    David Van Nuys is a long-time member of NCMUG, as well as an Apple/Mac user going back to the Apple II. In addition, he is psychology professor emeritus at Sonoma State University. Beyond this, his market research business, e-FocusGroups (, has served such distinguished clients as The New York Times and Apple Computer. A University of Michigan trained clinical psychologist, he leads workshops across the U.S. and Europe. A prolific author and speaker, he collaborated on a book about the infamous Zodiac serial killer. He also produces two popular interview-based podcasts: Shrink Rap Radio (www.Shrink and Wise Counsel ( Shrink Rap Radio often appears in the iTunes list of Top 10 podcasts in Higher Education.

    NCMUG General meeting:

    Tuesday September 17th

    7-9 pm

    Rohnert Park Senior Center

    6800 Hunter Dr.  Rohnert Park CA 94928

    Posted in: Announcements, General Meetings

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