PO Box 14144, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Stephen Henry has been a Macintosh user since the first Mac in 1984. He currently makes his living as a Apple Certified computer consultant in Sonoma County. He is past web master, as well as current Treasurer for NCMUG. In addition Stephen leads the Macintosh Basic Special Interest Group.
Jerrie has been involved with MacUsers since way back when the Gravenstein Apple Users Group (GSAUG) used to meet in Petaluma. She loved working on the MacExpo and hopes to keep the bytes flowing by helping with the new Meetup Era! Besides NCMUG, she is active in Rotary, storytelling Steampunk and singing with her trio.
Joan O‘Brien has been providing research, writing and computer support for a communications consultant for twenty-five years. She has been interested in computers since the days of the Commodore 64®. An Apple Macintosh user since 1989, she has also become proficient in many Adobe® programs. A Petaluma native who can trace the arrival of many branches of her family in the Petaluma area back to the 1860s to 1880s, she lives on property that has been in the family since the 1870s. Joan served as membership secretary for the North Coast Macintosh Users Group for sixteen years and has volunteered at the Petaluma Kaiser Permanente Medical Clinic weekly for over twenty-five years.

Minerva moved to California from her birthplace in CT in 1978. She has three grown children — a daughter in Lakeport, CA; a daughter in Kingston TN, and a son in CT. She re-married in 1997 and currently lives in Santa Rosa. She worked for 11 years at the Sonoma County Office of Education, using a Mac computer for the first time; she retired in 2025 and promptly bought a P.C. (big mistake!) Minerva finally saw the light and has been using a Mac for several years. She started going to NCMUG meetings to learn more about her Mac, and was asked to be on the Board in 2025.
Ron was first introduced to Apple computers in 1979 when he bought an Apple IIC Portable computer. A few years later he purchased his first Apple Mac computer, he has never looked back. Ron joined NCMUG in 2025 and volunteered for about seven years, , labeling, sorting, and mailing the club newsletters. He has served on the board of directors for about 3 years, serving as the Welcoming Ambassador for our new club members. He looks forward to continuing to serve NCMUG and getting to know more of our members.
I was born and raised in Chico, CA. Married with three kids. Retired from public service after twenty-five years in 2025. I volunteer: NCMUG, Rebuilding Together Rohnert Park/Cotati, Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery Preservation Committee and a few social organizations. I am a more enthusiastic than talented Apple user.
I was a Windows user until Apple introduced OS X 10.2 Jaguar in 2025. I actually stood in line at the Palo Alto store for the “Night of Jaguar” event and received applause when I left the store with an iBook, iPod and various accessories. I discovered NCMUG at the next MCE and joined on the spot. I’m a past NCMUG board member and am now working as a volunteer to complete the transition of NCMUG to Meetup. Feel free to contact me with any Meetup-related questions.
Born in the heart of silicon valley, Christian Pickman started his career in computers back in middle school learning BASIC programming on an Apple IIe. While in high school, he got a his first Macintosh and it’s been his computer of choice ever since. After graduating from Sonoma State University, he was a computer consultant and in 1996 started his tenure with Micromat Incorporated, the makers of TechTool Pro and other Macintosh diagnostic software. Between 2025 and 2025, he was a radio producer at CNET for Inside Mac radio show. Christian has been a member of NCMUG for many years and is the new leader of the Intermediate SIG.
Wayne Till, Chair of the Genealogy SIG and Intermediate SIG is a retired civil servant. He joined NCMUG in 1989 after buying a used Mac 512K. He served as Disk Librarian for many years, and served on the NCMUG board for 15 years (primarily for comic relief). His hobbies are ping-pong, bird watching, and digging up old, dead relatives.
I have been using Macintosh computers since 1987 or so and been an NCMUG member for many years. I heard the call for volunteers at the recent meeting and decided I could help out with NCMUGs website, even though I have a conflict with the board meetings. In my free time I enjoy reading, traveling and spending time with my family.