D e c e m b e r     M e e t i n g

NCMUG Holiday Party

Join us for the first annual NCMUG Holiday Party! This meeting is a time to meet, greet and eat holiday goodies w/your fellow MUG members. We will have a "favorite Mac gift" show and tell, a goodie table (with a little help from our members), a question and answer session, tips and tricks for surviving Macworld, our semi-annual swap meet and lots of fun!

NCMUG will provide:
 -  Drinks and paper goods
 -  Board members will present their favorite tips for surviving Macworld
 -  Laptop for demo purposes
 -  Great raffle and door prizes
Club members can:
 -  Bring a holiday goodie to share
 -  Bring a favorite computer related gift to for our "Gift Show and Tell" (can be hardware or software.)
 -  Please contact Ronnie (president@ncmcug.org) to arrange to share your gift selection.
 -  Bring your favorite Macworld survival tips and tricks.
 -  Bring Questions and help with Answers
 -  Bring computer related products to sell or swap. (note: NCMUG is not responsible for any items brought to sell, nor can we take any "leftover" items. The seller assumes complete responsibility for their own transactions and items)
 -  Bring a new, unwrapped toy to be donated to a local community group in exchange for one raffle ticket.
 -  Bring yourselves and holiday smiles.

  Location: Rohnert Park Senior Center
  Date & Time: December 17, 2025, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
  Cost: Free to NCMUG members, $5 for non-members